When All Else Fails…..Faith In God

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When you fail to see the beauty in the people and things around you. When your mind becomes so blurred, by the drama and negativity that fills your world. When anger, hate, bitterness and resentment becomes the norm. When the boundaries and limitations you have set for yourself, become a roadblock. When mistakes and failure is all you think about. When your thoughts become so overwhelming, you stay stuck in a dark, sad and lonely place. When anxiety and stress becomes a daily activity. When you have given up and allowed fear to take over and you can’t see the road ahead. When worry has filled your mind and no matter how hard you try you can’t shake it. When your faith is tested and your belief in God becomes null and void. When you have shied away from family and friends, in a desperate attempt to find yourself. When thoughts of giving up becomes your daily mantra. This is the time to have a stronger faith in God, to take us out of our depression, to guide us out of the darkness back into the light. You are not so lost, with a little guidance you can’t find your way back. No matter how hard or difficult things may seem, No matter how bleak the situation. No matter how challenging the adversity, no matter what the struggle and hardship you face, no matter what the setback, no matter how overwhelming your fears may be, the road back is an easy one. Believe in your journey, the path you’re on may be rocky but you’re never too old or too set in your ways to find your way back to the happiness, peace, health and well-being you seek. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, Ca