self help


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Our day day to day responsibilities, fast paced and hectic lifestyle, added worries and overwhelming challenges & fears, have made us a nation of individualsbeautiful life all searching for a magic cure. There is no magic cure but it’s cure is all pretty simple really, a positive and optimistic approach in life, is the best remedy for what ails you. There are some things in this world we cannot change, but stressful days can be avoided. There are things that you can do, to avoid & prevent the challenges of your stressful days and sleepless nights. First and foremost remember, everyone get’s anxious. Everyone might have different reasons for feeling anxious & stressed, but regardless, it is a feeling that everyone has experienced at one time or another and each & everyone of us copes with it differently. Anxiety can manifest itself in a multiple of ways, and just as everyone has anxiety, everyone has different experiences with it. But one thing is guaranteed: with a little focus, a proactive approach and self-help techniques, anxiety can be reduced or even erased completely from your life. If you are having issues with anxiety especially when you wake after a good night’s sleep, then there is no time to waste. It’s time to start taking control of what’s worrying you and making changes to promote a more constant, prepared and healthier mindset. There are many ways to manage and monitor your anxiety and stress levels. The first step in taking back control and getting your days started off right, is to find the method best suited for you. There are many articles on the internet related to the subject of anxiety
and stress that should be considered. I do suggest however, checking with your doctor or physician before doing or trying anything to physical or taking vitamins or drugs that you may think might jeoperdize your own good health and well-being. Change your thinking and change your life. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

David Harrison Levi

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Your dreams, goals and aspirations should be a priority in your life. Do what your heart tells you, go with your intuition and stop worrying what others may think … If you make a mistake and fail, get back up, see where you went wrong, learn from your mistakes and TRY again! Nobody is going to criticize you or judge you unfairly if you always give your best and at least try … and if they do, they are not worth your time, your energy and were never your friend. Real friends lift you up and don’t make your life more chaotic and hectic, they believe in you asking nothing in return and they only want to see you happy, content and successful in everything. If you have a gift, share it with the world. The sooner you let go of the toxic people in your life and stop giving them a place in your mind, the sooner you will find the inner peace you seek. I love you ♡David Harrison Levi

David Harrison Levi

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Life has a way of teaching us wonderful lessons, of being humble, caring, compassionate and kind and living a life of gratitude, feeling blessed and thankful for all you have. As you grow up, get older and start to see the world as it truly is, you will soon learn that even the one person you never thought would let you down, will in some small way hurt you. You will more than likely have your heart broken at least once when you thought it impossible. You too will inevitably break some hearts, so remember how it felt when yours was broken, be gentle. You’ll occasionally argue with your closest friends and family members, this is to be expected, never hold a grudge. You’ll find blame in new loves for things an old one did. You’ll be angry, bitter and resentful, but don’t be, be forgiving. You’ll sometimes cry because time is passing way too fast and you will lose someone you never thought you could live without. But remember to keep them close in your heart, because of the love once shared. Your faith in God will be tested by the challenges and obstacles you encounter, but this is the time to strengthen your faith. You will see a hungry and homeless man or woman on the street, show goodness, for the smallest and most insignificant act of kindness can change their day, remember this could be you. This is what happens when you open your heart and mind to the greatest joys life has to offer. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi