
Positive Thinking Brings Positive Results

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Don’t expect your life to get better by chance, it gets better only by change. If there is something that is challenging you, causing you pain and suffering. If you are under going struggle and hardship. If setbacks and roadblocks are standing in your way and you can’t see the road ahead, you are not alone. We have all been overwhelmed by the anxiety and stress, fear and worry we so often feel. Your faith in God will be tested and your health and well being affected. This is the time to be courageous, be strong, be positive, be optimistic and don’t let your negative thoughts control your destiny. You have the ability within you, to get through this victoriously and realize the abundance, the blessings and the richly rewarding life you seek. … Change your thinking, change your life! I love you ♡ David Harrison Beverly Hills CA

David Harrison Levi

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Life has a way of teaching us wonderful lessons, of being humble, caring, compassionate and kind and living a life of gratitude, feeling blessed and thankful for all you have. As you grow up, get older and start to see the world as it truly is, you will soon learn that even the one person you never thought would let you down, will in some small way hurt you. You will more than likely have your heart broken at least once when you thought it impossible. You too will inevitably break some hearts, so remember how it felt when yours was broken, be gentle. You’ll occasionally argue with your closest friends and family members, this is to be expected, never hold a grudge. You’ll find blame in new loves for things an old one did. You’ll be angry, bitter and resentful, but don’t be, be forgiving. You’ll sometimes cry because time is passing way too fast and you will lose someone you never thought you could live without. But remember to keep them close in your heart, because of the love once shared. Your faith in God will be tested by the challenges and obstacles you encounter, but this is the time to strengthen your faith. You will see a hungry and homeless man or woman on the street, show goodness, for the smallest and most insignificant act of kindness can change their day, remember this could be you. This is what happens when you open your heart and mind to the greatest joys life has to offer. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi