
STOP Holding On To The Past

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Forgivestopness is the key … If you’re holding a grudge STOP. If you are angry at someone STOP. If you feel you are living a life full of bitterness and resentment STOP. If you think your life was full of mistakes and you have failed some how, STOP. If you believe that you have been complaining way too much and blaming others for where you are STOP. If you haven’t made a call to a close friend or family member for quite some time, do it now! If you haven’t told someone you love how you “really” feel, START. Life is way too short and there is no guarantee of a tomorrow. Choose your battles wisely, let go and move on from the anger, hate and resentment you have for others. Time is passing you by and no one knows what the future holds. Your way has obviously not worked! Maybe it’s time to try something new, your future will thank you for. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi • Beverly Hills,CA


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What we crehumble (1)ate & how we choose to live our lives depends solely on you. How would you choose to live your life? If you fill your heart with appreciation, gratitude, love & kindness … caring for, being compassionate & lifting others asking nothing in return, you will find yourself filled with joy, happiness and an inner peace. You will enjoy a life of good health and well-being. But if you go through life, creating drama and negativity, being angry, hating and being dissatisfied with everything, you attract negative energy and with it a sad & miserable life. The choice is yours to make and you have the power to change. To see the beauty in all people and the world that surrounds you. Live a humble life, or life will make you humble. I love you ♡David Harrison Levi •Beverly Hills, CA


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There are no mistakes nor failures in life and everything you do is based on the choices you make. Stop living in the past, stop complaining, stop berase-mistakeslaming and finding fault in others, stop being angry, resentful and bitter with your situation, stop blaming your past relationships, stop blaming your age, stop worrying about what if, stop living in fear and take control of your anxiety and stress and realize that you are responsible for every decision, every choice, every word and every action you make. Life is about living in the moment and making the best of everything that comes our way. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Stop making excuses … As long as you let them get angry, yell at you and allow someone toabuse emotionally, mentally and physically abuse and drain you of your own ego, pride and self-worth, everything is generally fine. It’s when you start standing up for yourself and questioning them that things drastically change and often gets messy… They will make you believe it’s all your fault and try to make you feel guilty, but don’t! Abusive people (bullies) do not like their targets standing up to them… never allow another person to disrespect you with their words and actions. Repeat these words over and over again … Then repeat them again … Respect me and I will always respect you, disrespect me and I don’t need you in my life… plain and simple … I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Let’s be honest ladies … he’s annoying as hell, he frustrates you, he’s far from perfect, he makes you laugh, he’s a slob and your always picking ucouplesp after him, he gets you so angry he makes you yell & scream, he drives you crazy and he is completely out of his mind and he just might be the devil himself, but he’s everything to you, he makes you feel like a queen, he treats you with dignity & respect, you can’t live without him, you need him and love him unconditionally. For those who question, true, everlasting and unconditional love still exists no matter what you’ve heard. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Do you often feel that there are those in your life who don’t wish you happiness and the success you seek. Those who are envious and are seemingly jealous of your being happy and good fortune. Unfortunately for some, life is one big battlefield, third-wheel-2-copyfilled with those who wish you well to your face, but you know it isn’t so. Their way of coping with their own insecurities and lack of self-esteem is to create drama and negativity while seeking attention for themselves, to ward off the dangers they’ve conjured up. There is nothing more disturbing and menacing for some people, than someone who represents all the things they wish they were or had themselves. It’s a whole lot easier to hate on such people or to show outright jealousy, then it is to work on one’s own shortcomings. And what are we expected to do when we are the target of these angry, bitter, resentful, toxic human beings with their lies, deceit and calculating gossip and rumors? You need to stand tall, chin held high, brush off the insults and keep doing what you’re best at doing. Though it’s difficult for some, ignore the bad and childish behavior. The fact is, a common thread behind those who treat you in a hateful and jealous manner, is that they are feeling inferior but want to come across as being superior. A lot of the those embarrassing and deplorable things they say are coming from a very dark and lonely place. And whether or not they’re accurate in their assessment of you, they feel they have something to be fearful and jealous of and it does not matter, they have put it in their shallow mind that there is something to be worried about and so, you will need to be strong and not feed into their delusional, imaginary and fantasy world. Realize for your own good health and well-being, that this is not anything personal towards you; it’s all about them and what is void and lacking within them and in their own miserable and uneventful lives. Try to understand that their lack of self-competence is driving them to do things to make themselves feel better, because they see something in you that they want desperately but can’t have, usually because they lack the discipline to put in the effort or to try harder. Again, it’s not about you; it’s right back to what’s not going right inside of them. It’s important not to dwell on what these people have said or done; that inevitably gives them ongoing power over you. Instead, seek to accept that they are not very nice people but that it’s probably because they need help and are most likely very weak and unable to improve their own lot in life. Try being forgiving, pray for them and always be the bigger person! I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Forgiveness 101 … We don’t forgive people because we put our heads in the sand and ignore what’s been done nor are we weak. We forgive because sorry-puppywe are all human, we all make mistakes, we all do things unintentionally that often times hurts others. Our words and actions sometimes tell a different story … That’s when greater understanding is necessary. But when you are angry, bitter and resentful and hold a grudge, it eats away at you like a deadly cancer. Choose your battles wisely! I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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To be completely honespeacet, I have been busy and haven’t had much time to hate my enemy, be angry at them, hold a grudge, be bitter or resentful towards them, criticize or judge them, create drama or show any negative emotion. I’ve been too busy promoting peace, love and happiness to those who have shown me the same … I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

Human Nature

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Are you one of those believers that everyone will do anything and everything you expect of them without being let down or disappointed? talkingYour high expectations of others is why you are left questioning many. By nature, people are well meaning and often want to do the right thing. But you will end up sadly mistaken, if you think for one moment that people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has your best interest in mind, nor are you a priority, not everyone has your back, not everyone is as caring and compassion. Some will bend over backwards to please us, while others will leave us hanging waiting for a bus that never comes. When we have high expectations from others, ate as you, generous and kind, not everyone has your heart. … God brings people into our lives, some will stay and some will go, we are all too often let down and not just feel disappointed, we become angry, bitter, resentful and frustrated. Unfortunately, this is human nature. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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In this fast-paced modern world we live in today, with to do lists that seemingly never get done, burdens, responsibilities and the pressures of everyday life, we find ourselves overwhelmed with the limited amount of time we have. In good faith, we make excuses to otherstime, claiming to be too busy and often times people don’t necessarily understand, assuming we are being selfish and non-caring, but that is so far from the truth. People will always make time for those things they deem important, unless conflicting schedules, time and distance play a role. On a personal note, I will always encourage and support any one of my friends however, making me feel guilty, being angry at or not trying to understand my good intentions or participating is unfair at best. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA