Beverly Hills


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Do you often feel that there are those in your life who don’t wish you happiness and the success you seek. Those who are envious and are seemingly jealous of your being happy and good fortune. Unfortunately for some, life is one big battlefield, third-wheel-2-copyfilled with those who wish you well to your face, but you know it isn’t so. Their way of coping with their own insecurities and lack of self-esteem is to create drama and negativity while seeking attention for themselves, to ward off the dangers they’ve conjured up. There is nothing more disturbing and menacing for some people, than someone who represents all the things they wish they were or had themselves. It’s a whole lot easier to hate on such people or to show outright jealousy, then it is to work on one’s own shortcomings. And what are we expected to do when we are the target of these angry, bitter, resentful, toxic human beings with their lies, deceit and calculating gossip and rumors? You need to stand tall, chin held high, brush off the insults and keep doing what you’re best at doing. Though it’s difficult for some, ignore the bad and childish behavior. The fact is, a common thread behind those who treat you in a hateful and jealous manner, is that they are feeling inferior but want to come across as being superior. A lot of the those embarrassing and deplorable things they say are coming from a very dark and lonely place. And whether or not they’re accurate in their assessment of you, they feel they have something to be fearful and jealous of and it does not matter, they have put it in their shallow mind that there is something to be worried about and so, you will need to be strong and not feed into their delusional, imaginary and fantasy world. Realize for your own good health and well-being, that this is not anything personal towards you; it’s all about them and what is void and lacking within them and in their own miserable and uneventful lives. Try to understand that their lack of self-competence is driving them to do things to make themselves feel better, because they see something in you that they want desperately but can’t have, usually because they lack the discipline to put in the effort or to try harder. Again, it’s not about you; it’s right back to what’s not going right inside of them. It’s important not to dwell on what these people have said or done; that inevitably gives them ongoing power over you. Instead, seek to accept that they are not very nice people but that it’s probably because they need help and are most likely very weak and unable to improve their own lot in life. Try being forgiving, pray for them and always be the bigger person! I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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You have survived the anger, tbutterflyhe hurt, the pain, the suffering, the bruises and the scars that years of emotional, mental and physical abuse has caused you. And though it took you awhile, you were sensible enough to finally walk away and leave it all in the past. Your survival has taught you that you were stronger than you ever thought possible, more courageous to finally walk away, brave enough to face your greatest fears and move on with your dignity and pride still intact. You learned this was not your fault, you have lost any and all guilt feelings you may have had and found forgiveness in your heart. You realized that you may have loved them, but you loved yourself more. You understand now how wrong things actually were and how deserving you really are of a better life in which to live. Going through this journey afraid of anyone or anything, is not truly living. We all know that life is not easy, and sometimes we make the wrong choices, but we learn from our mistakes. May I congratulate you on your enduring one of the most painful, difficult and trying times of your life, finding faith in God and having the will to survive. No one has the right to control you, make you afraid and live in fear. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Trust your intrusttuition, trust your instincts and trust your better judgement … If they hurt you before and caused you pain, they will more than likely do it again and again and again if you let them. The wrong relationship will make you feel more alone then you ever thought possible. If the emotional, mental and physical abuse you have faced hasn’t woken you up as yet, what will?! Life is about the choices we make … I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Yes, life is complicated but your relationships shouldn’t be. Often times we are misled by our thoughts and fears. We let our loneliness and feafairyr of being alone, make us believe in fairy tales, do things we wouldn’t often do and be with those who don’t and never will be the “right” choice. Oh, we will make excuses and let on that we are happy, content and satisfied, but realize all too often that you’re belonging to this person in a committed relationship has been, will always be and never will be the “correct” choice. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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A real man chooses to let his woman know the important role she plays. … Behind every great man stands no woman. There is handsno greater man than a man that can acknowledge the woman standing right next to him. That treats her with the same love, trust and mutual respect. That understands her true value, self-worth and makes her feel like the priority that she truly is and walks this path of life side by side, hand in hand, together in spirit. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

Human Nature

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Are you one of those believers that everyone will do anything and everything you expect of them without being let down or disappointed? talkingYour high expectations of others is why you are left questioning many. By nature, people are well meaning and often want to do the right thing. But you will end up sadly mistaken, if you think for one moment that people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has your best interest in mind, nor are you a priority, not everyone has your back, not everyone is as caring and compassion. Some will bend over backwards to please us, while others will leave us hanging waiting for a bus that never comes. When we have high expectations from others, ate as you, generous and kind, not everyone has your heart. … God brings people into our lives, some will stay and some will go, we are all too often let down and not just feel disappointed, we become angry, bitter, resentful and frustrated. Unfortunately, this is human nature. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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We as human beings arGlacier-National-Park-Montana-1e not perfect nor are we expected to be, only God is perfect. We all have flaws, idiosyncrasies and imperfections. We tend to focus on our anger, bitterness and resentment when dealing with our problems. By nature, we are not trusting by previous hurt and we tend to stuff things down all the time rarely venting or making our feelings known. Life is not always easy, but there is always something in life to be grateful for. Let your challenges and struggles be known. Reach out to and for others in their time of need as well. When we focus our attention on others having a trying and difficult time, it helps us in our own plight. Don’t hide, be fearless, be vulnerable, be authentically you. No one knows the personal battles you have been facing. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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When someone tries tKey_to_Happiness1o make you feel insecure or inferior, remember they have no power over you unless you allow it. There will be those who will try to control you, criticize you and judge you unfairly for their own self gain, all in a calculating and devious attempt to hold something over you. Let it go, be forgiving and never, ever react with negativity and drama. Only you hold the key to your own inner happiness. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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There are many things in this lifetime I am eager to learn & look forward in sharing … But make no mistake, I am humble enough to know I am no rosesbetter than anyone and wise enough to know that I am different from the rest. And for this, God has blessed me & I am truly and forever grateful … I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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There are many people in this wworldorld that are afraid of success plain and simple. Often times because they fear being rejected, envied, jealous of, torn down, making mistakes, failing, being the center of attention and most of all afraid of criticism and unfair judgment. They are so afraid of what others may think or do, they would rather be stagnate in their own comfortable and humdrum lives and go nowhere staying average. In this lifetime, you have to be bold enough to realize that you are like no other. That staying average is not your style. That you have something to share with the world and you won’t allow what others may think of you, to control the fate of your future. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA