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Life is difficult, hard & troublingfreedom_of_choice_by_wiciaq at best, but you can live a happy & wonderful life in spite of it all. We all want to live a content, satisfying & richly rewarding life. We all want that job that satisfies and a successful career to go with it. We want to be married to the “perfect” partner. We want to have children we can be proud of. We want to have loyal friends that stick by us faithfully. We want to acquire material things and personal possessions and have all our problems magically disappear. Everybody wishes for a good life. For one person, a good life may consist of having three meals a day and a roof over their head. For others, it may be having a big mansion, fancy cars, designer clothes and lots of money. Whatever your definition is, there is one thing you have in common with many, you want a life free of stress, worry & fear with as little work as possible. You would like to find it without working so hard for it or struggle so much to achieve it. Many of us have high expectations and nobody wants to struggle through life. Unfortunately, that is also what may be stopping you from having the life you seek. The thought of all that work, all that planning, overcoming adversity, hurdles and resistance is enough to make a lot of people give up before they even start. It can all seem too overwhelming and for many it doesn’t seem worth fighting for. You feel drained of all energy before you even begin. Its like i’m running a marathon, before your even get to the starting line, the thought of all that running, just wears you out so much mentally you decide not to go for it … it’s just too hard, to difficult. But once you accept that life is hard, it no longer becomes such a paralyzing issue. Once we realize that life is difficult, once we truly accept & understand this fact, then life no longer seems so hard to overcome. In life you will soon learn, having difficulties getting the things you want is the norm. It is very rare to get anything in life without some degree of effort. Once you accept this, you will feel better about your circumstances. You won’t think of your situation as anything but what is common to every other person. You will think of your situation as a part of life. You will no longer beat yourself up about how bad things are. You will realize that you are only human. That we as human beings are not perfect nor are we expected to be, only God is perfect. You make mistakes & fail just like everybody else. Accepting that life is hard comes with accepting that you have the responsibility to make it better. Not only do you have the responsibility to make it better, you have the ability and the power to make it better. Remember, you always have choices. No matter what the situation you find yourself in, you have choices. No matter how bad things may get, you have choices. No matter what you think you can or cannot do, you have choices. Now it may not always be an easy choice to make. It may be a very difficult road you choose and it may push you out of your comfort zone. It may mean your life might get even harder than it already is by your steps to acceptability, but it still remains a choice. Oftentimes you will find that the choices you make are not as hard as you thought. Once you become open to the idea that you are responsible for your life and that you have choices, you will soon find that you are no longer stuck just because life is not easy … and at that point, life may be hard, but you have the final say. Your life becomes more meaningful, purposeful and self
satisfying. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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I am one of theEagle-Soaring-Wallpaper-800x600 most forgiving, loving & understanding people on the planet. In no way does that mean, I accept others childish behavior or trust them explicitly. It only means that my inner peace and my love for self is far more important than dwelling on someone else drama & negativity, so I can ultimately let go, make the choice to be happy, while allowing me the freedom to move on with my life. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi • Beverly Hills, CA


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The worst pecute-little-friendsrson to be around is someone who complains about everything and appreciates nothing. It’s important that you surround yourself always with happy go lucky, positive, optimistic people that celebrate you and not just tolerate you. It’s easy to say your a friend, but it takes a genuine caring, a kind spirit and an unconditional friend who values your friendship like family and is loyal to the very end. I take friendship very seriously and I value ours. Thank you for being an important & significant part of my life now and always. I may not be the most important person in your life, I just hope that when you hear my name you smile and say “that’s my friend!” I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Are you leading a “WHAT IF” life? Afraid of this, afraid of that?… leaving your “comfort zone? ” Remember, there are no boundaries nor limitations standing in the way of the dreams, goals and aspirations you seek, but those you have placed before you. Make every moment of your life something to be proud of, accountable and worth living. And although no one can change their past, we can defincomfort zoneitely make a huge difference, start new and rewrite a new ending. But, before that start begins, we must stop the things that are holding you back from a more content, fulfilling and satisfying way of life. … Be whoever you want to be in this lifetime, it doesn’t matter. But stop lying to yourself. Happiness is an invaluable commodity … stop trying to buy it … we have to somehow find it, it may be hidden right around the corner, stop looking for happiness in others. You have to find happiness in yourself first, only then can you share that happiness with someone else, You have to be thankful for who you are and what you have been blessed with. Stop being afraid of trying new things just because you’re afraid of making a mistake and failing. We all make mistakes, that’s how we’re made. But being afraid of making a mistake ends up leaving you adventure-less and fun deprived. Doing something new and making mistakes is much better than doing nothing. People will often look down on you, just to bring you down to their level, but lowering your standards for someone insignificant can’t be the right thing to do ever. You’re a good human being and nobody can ever change that until and unless you choose to. Stop focusing on getting into a relationship. Relationships are a beautiful, wonderful thing with the “right” person, but finding a relationship to get through a bad time in your life is wrong. Get into the “right” relationship when it’s meant to be, not when you want it to be. Stop finding flaws in any new relationship because of a horrible past experience. If you weren’t treated with respect in your previous relationship, the new person in your life is not to be blamed and should not be blamed. So, stop looking for problems in your new relationship because it may turn out to be just the experience you’ve been searching for..Stop missing out on the beauty of small moments. Don’t overlook the beauty of some moments in your life. You’re amazing just the way you are and you need to stop pretending to be someone you’re not. You don’t need to change for people to like you or for that matter, love you. So…be yourself. It’s a competitive world but if you don’t stop competing against anyone and everyone, you’ll have less time to focus on what you are doing. It’s not important who has the bigger home, the fanciest car, the designer clothes and shoes what matters most is how you are as a caring, compassionate and kind person that is growing each and everyday. Stop holding grudges, be forgiving, never be bitter or resentful, it’s a waste of time & effort and serves no one. Be the bigger person – don’t carry around so much hate & anger in your heart, instead forgive the person who has done you wrong because the circumstances nor the person is worth wasting your precious time or feelings on. Move forward and don’t let things from the past ruin the happiness of your present. Jealousy takes you nowhere, so stop being jealous of what others are doing. Being a perfectionist is great but silly most of the times, stop trying to be one. We as human beings are not perfect nor are we expected to be only God is perfect. Acting like everything’s fine won’t make everything fine so stop hiding it, do something about it. You can’t be happy always in life, nobody is. It’s okay to have a bad day but it’s not okay to hide your feelings, cry, grieve if you need to, but take out all the frustration & sadness from your life and wait for good things to come. Take responsibility for your own words & actions, stop blaming others for YOUR problems. Nobody has the power to control your life, only you do. If you go on blaming others for all your troubles, that just means you’re running away from your own responsibilities and that will always keep you one step away from taking charge of your own life because it’s yours and yours alone. Stop doing the same things over & over again.There’s so much to see, do and be apart of. Stop wasting your time explaining to others, just do what feels right for you. Start loving yourself more and stop suppressing your needs. It’s okay to fall in love, in fact it’s the best thing in the world, but losing yourself in the process is not very smart and you won’t ever be able to forgive yourself. You have needs and you may have a passion too – never give those up just because you have other priorities now. It’s good to care for other people but do not forget that you’re special too and nobody can take care of that more than you yourself. Stop sitting idle because an empty mind is the devil’s workshop. Don’t end up sitting idle for too long because you’ll create problems that you didn’t even know existed. Be productive, act efficiently and effectively. You need to stop holding on to your past, it’s over, it’s gone. Don’t be a pessimist, stop being ungrateful in life. Problems come and go but you shine in the dark when you face them head on, so stop running from them. It’s not the easiest path you choose and you are definitely not the only person who’s facing issues in life. But only those people who do not turn their backs to their problems and take up the risk of walking on that path, are the ones who are successful because this is exactly that defines their personality in the future. And therefore, it’s worth the time, effort. We all have made mistakes in life but the smart thing to do is – stop regretting what wrong you did in the past, it’s history now. Stop giving up on opportunities just because you ‘think’ you’re not ready. Stepping out of your comfort zone is difficult but all great opportunities call to do just that. So, be prepared even if you have to really push yourself – push yourself harder and get ready to face great challenges. Stop focussing on things you don’t want, just because you’re scared they’ll happen. Positive thinking is the key to the success you seek.Wake up each morning and imagine wonderful things happening to you and they will happen, trust me. Believe in the path you’re on because you are deserving and worth so much more. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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You can listen, you can love meget advice, but in the end it’s up to us to make the right decisions and make the correct choices for our lives. No one ever said life would be easy … STOP WHINING! STOP COMPLAINING! Don’t look for acceptance from others, you’ll never get it. We are never fully grown as long as we are learning. We are all children at heart. We think we know everything, we don’t. We are all alone, no matter how many friends we have to listen … no matter who is in our lives. IF you are happy inside …      you need no 
one. Find your inner peace, it exists … Have an open heart does not mean fall in love with the first person that shows you a little attention. When the time is right, love will find you. Don’t be desperate. Don’t be delusional. Don’t have such high expectations .Be ready, when it comes! Don’t confuse loneliness for love. Do ONLY what feels right for YOU! True, everlasting and unconditional love still exists, be patient. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Do you often feel that there are those in your life who don’t wish you happiness and the success you seek. Those who are envious and are seemingly jealous of your being happy and good fortune. Unfortunately for some, life is one big battlefield, third-wheel-2-copyfilled with those who wish you well to your face, but you know it isn’t so. Their way of coping with their own insecurities and lack of self-esteem is to create drama and negativity while seeking attention for themselves, to ward off the dangers they’ve conjured up. There is nothing more disturbing and menacing for some people, than someone who represents all the things they wish they were or had themselves. It’s a whole lot easier to hate on such people or to show outright jealousy, then it is to work on one’s own shortcomings. And what are we expected to do when we are the target of these angry, bitter, resentful, toxic human beings with their lies, deceit and calculating gossip and rumors? You need to stand tall, chin held high, brush off the insults and keep doing what you’re best at doing. Though it’s difficult for some, ignore the bad and childish behavior. The fact is, a common thread behind those who treat you in a hateful and jealous manner, is that they are feeling inferior but want to come across as being superior. A lot of the those embarrassing and deplorable things they say are coming from a very dark and lonely place. And whether or not they’re accurate in their assessment of you, they feel they have something to be fearful and jealous of and it does not matter, they have put it in their shallow mind that there is something to be worried about and so, you will need to be strong and not feed into their delusional, imaginary and fantasy world. Realize for your own good health and well-being, that this is not anything personal towards you; it’s all about them and what is void and lacking within them and in their own miserable and uneventful lives. Try to understand that their lack of self-competence is driving them to do things to make themselves feel better, because they see something in you that they want desperately but can’t have, usually because they lack the discipline to put in the effort or to try harder. Again, it’s not about you; it’s right back to what’s not going right inside of them. It’s important not to dwell on what these people have said or done; that inevitably gives them ongoing power over you. Instead, seek to accept that they are not very nice people but that it’s probably because they need help and are most likely very weak and unable to improve their own lot in life. Try being forgiving, pray for them and always be the bigger person! I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Yes, life is complicated but your relationships shouldn’t be. Often times we are misled by our thoughts and fears. We let our loneliness and feafairyr of being alone, make us believe in fairy tales, do things we wouldn’t often do and be with those who don’t and never will be the “right” choice. Oh, we will make excuses and let on that we are happy, content and satisfied, but realize all too often that you’re belonging to this person in a committed relationship has been, will always be and never will be the “correct” choice. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Don’t give thoshappye undeserving individuals in your life the attention nor the satisfaction of knowing their negative effect on you. They are looking for a reaction, don’t give it to them! You are in no way on their level or playing field. Sadly, people love to see you fail. Living a happy, content and satisfied way of life with who you are and giving your best is your greatest revenge. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are! I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

Friends Who Hurt You, Aren’t Friends At All

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Do you really believbackstabberse that you can change how people truly feel about you, if they are dead set in their ways, busy criticizing you and judging you unfairly? These narrow and shallow minded individuals have a mind all their own. If they believe the gossip and the rumors they have heard about you or worse they themselves back stabbed you and created all the drama negativity you find yourself in, they are not your real friends to begin with, so why do you care? Be forgiving, but live your life and just be happy for who you are. Your credibility and track record usually speaks for itself & you are loved.

David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

Showing Kindness…The Only Way To Live

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People in this world are often judgkindnessmental, self-centered and unreasonable, thinking only of themselves. Forgive them anyway. If you believe in God and have faith and others don’t, stay strong in your belief anyway. If you are compassionate, caring and kind towards others, people may accuse you of being an attention seeker with ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are seemingly too honest, people may try and cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find true happiness, people may be jealous of you. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. People will find fault and give you every reason why your dreams can’t and won’t work. Don’t let anyone or anything, stand in the way of your dreams, goals and aspirations. This is your life, live it anyway. Be prepared to share your gift with the world. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough for some. Give your best anyway. People may view your kindness for weakness. Life is short, show kindness to everyone you meet wherever, whenever anyway. Life is what you make it and no one said it would be easy, but the journey you’re on can be a most beautiful and wonderful experience. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA