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It’s easy to find the scapegoat in someone else, when things aren’t going as we want them to. But don’t make someone else responsible for how you feel. Your greatest freedom comes in taking responsibility for your own happiness, thoughts, feelings and emotions.Ihappiness (1) do believe this is one of life’s most difficult concepts to grasp, especially when one is young. Oftentimes it takes years to take on that responsibility and not look for someone else to make you happy and feel the inner peace we seek.I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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All too often, many of us who get caught up with our day to day chaotic and hectic schedules and responsibilities and the fast paced, modern world in which we live, regret working too much and expressing their feelings way too little. They wish they would have allowed themBeach-Rainbow-Art-1920x1200selves to be happier, appreciate what was available to them and are often sorry they lost touch with meaningful friends & family members and that they put the expectations of others above their own values and high standards. Stay true to what truly matters most; stay true to yourself. So what can we do to ensure that we lead a life that is important and meaningful to us? How can we uncover our truest selves and what matters most? What strategies can we use to identify and challenge the obstacles that keep us from pursuing and realizing our dreams, goals and aspirations? Think about what it is you really want in this lifetime. Most of us, just knowing who we really are is in itself, a huge accomplishment. It’s easy to say, live life on your own terms, but if you haven’t figured out those terms, you may feel like your drifting through time and space. When you don’t know what you want, you are driving through life without a steering wheel, unable to go straight. Figuring out your principles can help you stay focused and on course no matter what life throws at you. If you want to live a meaningful & more purposeful life, you should start by asking yourself the question, what am I really passionate about. What matters most to me? Your family, friends, your community and society in general will have plenty to say about what you should be doing, but only you can answer this question. You and only you are in control of your own destiny. Deciding what matters to you involves recognizing the people who matter to you most, determining that they are a priority in your life and that caring for them is part of what makes you happy. When you live a life that you cherish and are grateful for, everything around you holds more meaning. You are more likely to be a caring, compassionate, gentler, kinder, considerate and more understanding individual of other peoples needs and their paths in life. When you are not the most content nor fulfilled yourself, you can still be the most giving of yourself. Happy people are more likely to have successful marriages and relationships, more content in their career, superior work performance, community involvement, good health and well-being and ultimately living more fulfilled and longer lives. Living a more positive and optimistic life has a great deal of benefits and is often linked to characteristics like true happiness, inner peace and joy. You have the most to gain and value in the world around you, when you find and invest in the gifts that you uniquely have to offer. Believe in yourself and the path you are on. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Any random act of kindness towards anokindnessther human being no matter how small or insignificant is a Godlike action and can often change the attitude of others. A genuine smile, a kind and caring word, a compassionate ear, a heartfelt compliment, all have a way of showing someone that they are important as well. We all have feelings and no one wants to feel left out of the equation. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

Guarding Our Heart

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Don’t think for one second that anyone in this world has it any better than you. We all have a way of camouflaging and hiding what is actually happening to us. We are all coping, dealing and struggling with a battle all our own. We put on a smile and pretend everything is good, that we are happy and satisfied in fear others will criticize and judge us unfairly and cause us further embarrassment. Don’t be afraid to open your heart, speak your mind and let others know how you are feeling. This is not about pity or getting sympathy, it’s not about complaining, it’s about letting people see you for the real you and allowing others into your world. You don’t need to go it alone. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills CA


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Giving up has never been an option. And no matter how difficult, frustrating and overwhelming life may get, at some point you have to get up and at least try to continue on with your life. Becoming stuck in a rut serves no one … You have to find your own inner strength, your courage, your faith and move on from the challenges, hardship, struggles, setbacks, roadblocks, mistakes and failures and stop feeling sorry for yourself and the guilt that plagues you. Your life has purpose and serves as a testament to the strength you possess. You have never been a quitter, don’t start now! I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

Priority…Not Option

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We all at one time or another have put someone on a pedestal and had high expectations only to be let down, questioning our choices. We gave it are all with little or nothing to show for it. We made excuses for them thinking they would come around. We tried, tried and tried again all in vain … It’s important to stop letting people who do not respect you and do so little for you, control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions. True, everlasting and unconditional love can not be found where it doesn’t exist. Remember, there’s a difference between being patient with someone and wasting your time. Don’t let someone become a priority in your life when you’re just another option in theirs. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi