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Things To-Do TodBasic RGBay … #1 practice kindness #2 let go of what I can’t control #3 count my blessings for every breath I take #4 thank God for everything that I have #5 create an environment of inner peace in my mind and in my heart #6 share my light with others #7 cherish life & be grateful for the life I have been granted #8 learn forgiveness #9 stay positive & remain optimistic #10 see the beauty in all people and things #11 always believe that something wonderful is about to happen #12 have faith to see me through another day. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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We all know that climbing the stairs of success is not-often easy and filled with greater challenges & mighty obstacles. There are no elevators ostairsn this trip and there is no easy way to get to the top without dedication, hard work, a great deal of inner-drive, passion, patience, a positive mindset & an optimistic outlook. Not many realize how true and powerful these important factors play in achieving all the successes in life you seek. For anything in life worth realizing, must start somewhere, at the bottom perhaps and climbing your way-up to more higher ground is achievable towards a more fruitful, richly-rewarding & self-satisfying way of life. Inevitably, this holds true with any achievement as well. You must envision your dream, start at the beginning, gain experience, knowledge and wisdom, as you victoriously move-up the stairs of success until you achieve your ultimate goal. It is only the speed in which we make that climb, that’s ultimately different for everyone. All-to-often we become confused, dazed and impatient. We begin looking for the easy-way to the top of our chosen path, without having to take the necessary climb step-by-step. You can’t avoid having to climb, no matter what you do, its a part of the bigger picture & a part of life. Following your dreams and believing in yourself is a virtue we all desire to undertake. However, many become sidetracked by other demands & responsibilities and often give-up complaining the climb is too difficult or feel to busy to go after their dreams, leaving them unfulfilled and unsatisfied. Choose a path your most comfortable with that will lead you on a journey of success others only dream about. You only have one life & we must make the very most of it, as you unleash the greatness that exists within you. I love you … David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Being grateful for what we have in our daily lives or at least being reminded can make you a more positive, optimistic and even more successful individual. Experiencing a sense of gratitude can positively impact your mental, emotional & physical state and your ability to achieve the life you truly want. Gratitude is simply “appreciating your life for what you have and being thankful.” We should make it a point to thank God daily for all the blessings & abundance He provides. You should develop a crystal clear sense of how fortunate you are to be healthy, to have a family who loves you unconditionally, a handful of close & loyal friends, food on the table and a roof over your head. By being grateful, you start to appreciate being alive and see your life as a gift that is both fragile and wonderful, something for which you are profoundly grateful for. Gratitude is closely related to happiness and some people simply approach their lives with an attitude of thankfulness for what they have and who they are … on the other hand, some people rarely feel thankful at all, no matter how beautiful, healthy, powerful or wealthy they may be. People who approach their life with a sense of gratitude are constantly aware of what’s truly important, meaningful and wonderful about their lives because they enjoy the fruits of their successes and when things don’t go as planned, people who are grateful can put failure into a greater perspective. When you are grateful, others like to be around you because ofGratitude (2) your positivity and your optimistic outlook. Your appreciation includes and supports them. You help others to see the positive elements inherent in daily life, and to feel more hopeful about the possibilities and opportunities afforded them. Friendships and business associates are attracted to you when they feel appreciated for who they are and what they bring to the party. Your relationships with family and friends are more likely to be loving and supportive when you express your gratitude for all that they bring into your life. Gratitude is like a warm emotional light, shining within you to eradicate anger, envy, greed, hate, jealousy, bitterness, resentment, selfishness and all the most limiting and corrosive negative emotions we tend to feel. You may even notice a real change in the way you see and view your life. You may find that your efforts to create the career you wanted and to have a more satisfying way of life are becoming realized. You’ll begin to see firsthand the positive impact of approaching your life with a focus on gratitude which will give you even more to be grateful about for years to come. One of the most amazing things about gratitude, is that it has no limitations nor boundaries. You can be as grateful as you want to be and feel all the happiness & joy and inner peace you’ve been searching for all your life … what better time to start than right now … Sending you God’s continued blessings of peace, love and understanding. I love you … David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Depressed & unhappy people live to make others lives miserable & unhappy! How then do we remain happy in a cruel & unhappy world? Everybody wants to live a happier way of life, but more often-then-not, many people inevitably don’t begin to realize that the happiness we snature-photography-16eek so desperately, must start with you. If your not content with your own life nor at peace with yourself, no amount of money, nor the greatest of material wealth & possessions will ever make you genuinely, truly & honestly happy. True happiness comes from the wisdom within of knowing how to enjoy the life you are living right now and to remember to always appreciate, be grateful & thankful for all the wonderful blessings & abundance you have been granted. Living for a future time and yearning for those things missing in your life will never make you happy. We need to maintain a more cheerful attitude and feel the happiness from within & the more positive aspects that we are indeed, alive. Learn to slow down and notice the little things that really matter. Feeling happy about the little things throughout your day, adds up and contributes to an overall feeling of contentment & self-satisfaction. I believe that the religious or spiritual side of your life, is a very important part and that everyone needs to believe in something bigger than they are. I know that God is far-greater than any problem I am ever going to have and for me, this is a great source of comfort for the inner peace I feel. Start to build a closer relationship with the people in your life, your family & friends and remember that they are the most important people in your world. Treat your family & friends with respect, be thoughtful and kind and remember that your words are extremely powerful and can hurt as much as any weapon on earth. Avoid jealousy at all costs and try to be forgiving. Harboring ill feelings or grudges towards others, can do you a lot of emotional harm. It may help to remember, that you are who you are today, because of the situations, obstacles & events that has happened to you, good and bad & that even the most hurtful things you have experienced, have ultimately made you stronger, more courageous & a more resilient individual. Be honest & true with yourself and others. Don’t become controlling or manipulative in your personal relationships, and never lie nor be deceptive. Dishonesty in life is a drain on your soul. Know what your real values truly are and try to live up to them in everything you do. Physical activity and mental stimulation are good for both your health and well-being and will help you maintain a more positive outlook on life. Start to set long term goals for yourself and work towards them. These goals don’t necessarily have to be on a grand scale, but planning ahead far into the future, brings optimism and a sense of purpose & meaning to ones life. Give yourself, your family & friends a special treat once in a while. Do something just a little bit out of the ordinary. It takes but a moment & little effort to turn ordinary days into adventurous, exciting & memorable days. Stay close to nature as much as possible, for there is a great & rewarding satisfaction in working with growing and living things that you will never get from anything else. Most of all, dwell on what is good about your life today, right now. Appreciate the day-to-day positives that exists in your life. Don’t be so foolish to look for the happiness in the future, that you could possibly lose sight & miss out on the happiness you could be living today. … I Love You ♡ David Harrison Levi, Beverly Hills, CA


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Are you leading a “WHAT IF” life? Afraid of this, afraid of that?… leaving your “comfort zone? ” Remember, there are no boundaries nor limitations standing in the way of the dreams, goals and aspirations you seek, but those you have placed before you. Make every moment of your life something to be proud of, accountable and worth living. And although no one can change their past, we can defincomfort zoneitely make a huge difference, start new and rewrite a new ending. But, before that start begins, we must stop the things that are holding you back from a more content, fulfilling and satisfying way of life. … Be whoever you want to be in this lifetime, it doesn’t matter. But stop lying to yourself. Happiness is an invaluable commodity … stop trying to buy it … we have to somehow find it, it may be hidden right around the corner, stop looking for happiness in others. You have to find happiness in yourself first, only then can you share that happiness with someone else, You have to be thankful for who you are and what you have been blessed with. Stop being afraid of trying new things just because you’re afraid of making a mistake and failing. We all make mistakes, that’s how we’re made. But being afraid of making a mistake ends up leaving you adventure-less and fun deprived. Doing something new and making mistakes is much better than doing nothing. People will often look down on you, just to bring you down to their level, but lowering your standards for someone insignificant can’t be the right thing to do ever. You’re a good human being and nobody can ever change that until and unless you choose to. Stop focusing on getting into a relationship. Relationships are a beautiful, wonderful thing with the “right” person, but finding a relationship to get through a bad time in your life is wrong. Get into the “right” relationship when it’s meant to be, not when you want it to be. Stop finding flaws in any new relationship because of a horrible past experience. If you weren’t treated with respect in your previous relationship, the new person in your life is not to be blamed and should not be blamed. So, stop looking for problems in your new relationship because it may turn out to be just the experience you’ve been searching for..Stop missing out on the beauty of small moments. Don’t overlook the beauty of some moments in your life. You’re amazing just the way you are and you need to stop pretending to be someone you’re not. You don’t need to change for people to like you or for that matter, love you. So…be yourself. It’s a competitive world but if you don’t stop competing against anyone and everyone, you’ll have less time to focus on what you are doing. It’s not important who has the bigger home, the fanciest car, the designer clothes and shoes what matters most is how you are as a caring, compassionate and kind person that is growing each and everyday. Stop holding grudges, be forgiving, never be bitter or resentful, it’s a waste of time & effort and serves no one. Be the bigger person – don’t carry around so much hate & anger in your heart, instead forgive the person who has done you wrong because the circumstances nor the person is worth wasting your precious time or feelings on. Move forward and don’t let things from the past ruin the happiness of your present. Jealousy takes you nowhere, so stop being jealous of what others are doing. Being a perfectionist is great but silly most of the times, stop trying to be one. We as human beings are not perfect nor are we expected to be only God is perfect. Acting like everything’s fine won’t make everything fine so stop hiding it, do something about it. You can’t be happy always in life, nobody is. It’s okay to have a bad day but it’s not okay to hide your feelings, cry, grieve if you need to, but take out all the frustration & sadness from your life and wait for good things to come. Take responsibility for your own words & actions, stop blaming others for YOUR problems. Nobody has the power to control your life, only you do. If you go on blaming others for all your troubles, that just means you’re running away from your own responsibilities and that will always keep you one step away from taking charge of your own life because it’s yours and yours alone. Stop doing the same things over & over again.There’s so much to see, do and be apart of. Stop wasting your time explaining to others, just do what feels right for you. Start loving yourself more and stop suppressing your needs. It’s okay to fall in love, in fact it’s the best thing in the world, but losing yourself in the process is not very smart and you won’t ever be able to forgive yourself. You have needs and you may have a passion too – never give those up just because you have other priorities now. It’s good to care for other people but do not forget that you’re special too and nobody can take care of that more than you yourself. Stop sitting idle because an empty mind is the devil’s workshop. Don’t end up sitting idle for too long because you’ll create problems that you didn’t even know existed. Be productive, act efficiently and effectively. You need to stop holding on to your past, it’s over, it’s gone. Don’t be a pessimist, stop being ungrateful in life. Problems come and go but you shine in the dark when you face them head on, so stop running from them. It’s not the easiest path you choose and you are definitely not the only person who’s facing issues in life. But only those people who do not turn their backs to their problems and take up the risk of walking on that path, are the ones who are successful because this is exactly that defines their personality in the future. And therefore, it’s worth the time, effort. We all have made mistakes in life but the smart thing to do is – stop regretting what wrong you did in the past, it’s history now. Stop giving up on opportunities just because you ‘think’ you’re not ready. Stepping out of your comfort zone is difficult but all great opportunities call to do just that. So, be prepared even if you have to really push yourself – push yourself harder and get ready to face great challenges. Stop focussing on things you don’t want, just because you’re scared they’ll happen. Positive thinking is the key to the success you seek.Wake up each morning and imagine wonderful things happening to you and they will happen, trust me. Believe in the path you’re on because you are deserving and worth so much more. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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It’s part of life … we are all faced with some form of adversity & challenges, we deal as best we can with hardship and we often struggle daStorm-Clouds-54ily as best we can. We try to stay positive, keep our faith strong and be optimistic of what the future holds. But in the real world, things go wrong, some things we can change, others we can’t. Cars break down, computers crash, we get sick, people die and relationships breakup. And when it’s all said and done, there is you asking,  questioning why. There are no excuses, no sound reasoning or soothing words that can help heal a broken heart or get you through a difficult & trying time. We are often left feeling lonely, sad with overwhelming thoughts and fear of the unknown with nowhere to turn. Yes there will be setbacks, but you’ll get through these difficulties and no matter what it is you are experiencing, things do get better and have a way of working themselves out. This is a learning experience and you will get past whatever it is that is causing you the greatest harm, grief, pain and sadness. With a little time, patience and understanding, you will soon realize just how brave, courageous and strong you really are. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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You have too much to concern yourself about as is … Stop thinking about what can happen in a month. Stop thinking about what can happen in a yhighlands-sunrise-whitesides-mountain-in-highlands-nc-dave-allenear. Stay focused on the 24 hours before you, how you can improve your life and get closer to where you want to be. It’s good to plan ahead, but worrying needlessly over your future only causes you the unnecessary anxiety and stress, fear and worry you so often dread. You’re on the right path, remember to stay focused, be positive and remain optimistic. When the time comes, what’s meant to be, will be and everything will fall into place just the way you had planned. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi • BEVERLY HILLS, CA


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All too often, many of us who get caught up with our day to day chaotic and hectic schedules and responsibilities and the fast paced, modern world in which we live, regret working too much and expressing their feelings way too little. They wish they would have allowed themBeach-Rainbow-Art-1920x1200selves to be happier, appreciate what was available to them and are often sorry they lost touch with meaningful friends & family members and that they put the expectations of others above their own values and high standards. Stay true to what truly matters most; stay true to yourself. So what can we do to ensure that we lead a life that is important and meaningful to us? How can we uncover our truest selves and what matters most? What strategies can we use to identify and challenge the obstacles that keep us from pursuing and realizing our dreams, goals and aspirations? Think about what it is you really want in this lifetime. Most of us, just knowing who we really are is in itself, a huge accomplishment. It’s easy to say, live life on your own terms, but if you haven’t figured out those terms, you may feel like your drifting through time and space. When you don’t know what you want, you are driving through life without a steering wheel, unable to go straight. Figuring out your principles can help you stay focused and on course no matter what life throws at you. If you want to live a meaningful & more purposeful life, you should start by asking yourself the question, what am I really passionate about. What matters most to me? Your family, friends, your community and society in general will have plenty to say about what you should be doing, but only you can answer this question. You and only you are in control of your own destiny. Deciding what matters to you involves recognizing the people who matter to you most, determining that they are a priority in your life and that caring for them is part of what makes you happy. When you live a life that you cherish and are grateful for, everything around you holds more meaning. You are more likely to be a caring, compassionate, gentler, kinder, considerate and more understanding individual of other peoples needs and their paths in life. When you are not the most content nor fulfilled yourself, you can still be the most giving of yourself. Happy people are more likely to have successful marriages and relationships, more content in their career, superior work performance, community involvement, good health and well-being and ultimately living more fulfilled and longer lives. Living a more positive and optimistic life has a great deal of benefits and is often linked to characteristics like true happiness, inner peace and joy. You have the most to gain and value in the world around you, when you find and invest in the gifts that you uniquely have to offer. Believe in yourself and the path you are on. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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It’s really alarming when you hear senior citizens blaming their circumstances on everyone and everything, rather than taking responsibility for who they are and how tactive-seniors-art-cd3bc7ac15d8bbd7hey got here. They often teach me who I want to be and don’t want to be. I have found, the ones who have the best mental attitudes, are the ones who have endured the most courageously, bravely, boldly, with a positive and optimistic mindset and a faith in God that can’t be broken. Staying young at heart as we grow older, is how we choose to think. Change your thinking and change your life. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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Over-thinking is onthinkere of the greatest causes of our own happiness and often robs you of your joy. It’s important to keep yourself occupied at all times, doing the things you’re most passionate about. Keep your mind off those things that don’t necessarily help you, cause you unnecessary drama and negativity and creates the anxiety & stress, fear & worry you so often feel. Depression stems from our overthinking. Have a positive and optimistic mindset and don’t let the people and the little things in life upset you and get you down. Your health and well-being should be your first priority. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA