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No one in this life is perfect nor are we expected to be. We all have some type of flaw, disability and handicap that sets us apart and makes us beautiful, creative, talented, unique and special in his or her own way. All too often, we are too wooden bridgeembarrassed, shy and curse our flaws and look at them in shame. But those of us that are blessed to understand God’s will, know these so called imperfections are to make us braver, stronger, more courageous, to push us harder, to strengen our spirit, and turn us into a more caring, gentler, kinder, more understanding and loving human being. That anything in this lifetime can be achieved and the only boundaries and limitations in our path, are those we have placed before us. Life has a way of humbling who we are and keep us grateful and appreciate the life we share. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi • Beverly Hills, CA


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Good morning to all my amazing, beautiful, creative & talented friends around the world. We are here by the grace of God and our lives can be snuffed out within a fraction of a second without warning. It’s important to remember the true meaning of real & unconditocean-sunset-wallpaperional friendship. When speaking on the topic of social media Facebook a place for friends … if we should feel lonely, depressed, at our wits end and no where to turn or worse, just remember that you belong to a family that is so big and vast you cannot possibly imagine it, that is so full of caring, compassionate, loving, kind, loyal and understanding individuals who share our stories, photos and lives daily. And though many of us have never met in person, we feel we know each other. Distance, time and personal responsibility often keeps us from one another, but no matter what ocean divides us, no matter what is keeping us apart, we are together in spirit. It would make us all cry in the moment if we only knew just how caring and well meaning some of our friends can be. I look forward in anticipation and feel this each and everyday by those individuals I am blessed to call my friends and I am sure that a lot of others feel the very same way. Those who do not feel this and/or are suffering need to start knowing and feeling this, because as a caring Society of loving human beings, we are here together not just for entertainment but for each other in love, to encourage, inspire, motivate, support and empower one another. To keep one’s spirits high and lift one another in times of sadness and celebrate ones happiness throughout the year. I am here for you always and words are not nessecary, just know this in your heart. All the loving people in the world who walk the path of truth and love I consider my family and so should you. We are the future my brothers & sisters … I cherish our friendship and you are forever in my heart. May God bless you, your family, friends and pets always. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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You are a beautiful, brave, caring, compassionate, creative, fearless, gentle, good, innovative, kind, loving, loyal, talented, special, strong and little girlunique individual. You were born for greatness and you have survived all of life’s chaos, drama and negativity. You have fought your battles wisely and continue to remain positive and optimistic of what the future holds. You are woman, but a little girl at heart. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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You have never fit in! You have never tried to live up to others expectations of you. You listen to no one and always do your positiveown thing. You are creative, talented and have your own sense of style. You are intense. You are obsessed. You are not normal. You say yes when others say no. You rise while others are sleeping. You are better today than yesterday. You do what others will not. Your life has purpose, importance and meaning. You are focused, positive and optimistic. You have faith in God. You are in control of your own destiny. You believe in the path you are on. You are on a mission all your own. Don’t ever stop! I love you ♡David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA

Judge Not

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No individual, group nor city, state or federal government has the right to dictate what is allowed by law when speaking on same-sex marriagegays. As a single, straight white male, I find it somewhat appalling that anyone feels they have the right to criticize, judge unfairly or find wrong in someone else’s beliefs, gender choice, same sex marriage or otherwise. God created us all in his or her own beautiful, creative, loving, talented, unique and special way. We must respect the beliefs, equality & freedoms of all human beings … Without singling anyone or group out for their sexual gender, preferences or marriage choices. Who are we to have cast stones upon another? Let people, be people! I don’t care if you’re black or white, religious or spiritual, straight, bisexual, lesbian, homosexual, transexual or transvestite … We are all human … being judgemental only proves how narrow, simple and shallow minded one can be … Equality and freedom is every human beings right. The only person you will ever have to answer to is your God … No longer can Liberty be denied. I love you ♡ David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA


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To all my beautiful friends worldwide. I hope your day has been going well, if not, I hope it gets better. Remember that you are an amazing, caring and compassionate, creative, special, talented, unique, wonderful but most of all deserving person who will go on to encourage, inspire and motivate others to do great things. So keep up the hard work, dedication and passion. I know you may feel unimportant or insecure at the moment, but know that you are a beautiful human being both inside and out, your life has purpose and you are important. Just trying to be nice on the internet, sometimes serves as a reminder of how it should be. Don’t just exist but LIVE your life! I love you ♡David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA